I’ll admit it, long ago even I cringed at the thought of Brussels sprouts. As a child, the few times I had them they were the grey, formerly frozen variety that smell unpleasant thus seeming to taste even worse. But at some point, I actually tasted good sprouts with the nutty rich flavor that they can have when fresh and roasted. That’s when I realized that they are really a DELICIOUS vegetable.
I can remember preparing them for a very picky cousin when I was in college. This cousin was younger and notorious for not liking vegetables. “You just haven’t had them prepared correctly,” I told her. When I sauteed them, created a sauce, and dished up a bowl, everyone was amazed…she actually ate them! Since then I have simplified my favorite prep method to just simple roasting. These are excellent roasted alone or with other vegetables and would be a delicious addition to your family’s Thanksgiving feast!
Preparing your sprouts is so easy—even a pre-schooler can do it!
Brussels sprouts are actually a variety of cabbage thought to originate in Belgium. It is fascinating to see how they grow on stalks in the field — they look like a tower of sleigh bells with leaves.
Roasted Brussels Sprouts
Per Serving 317 calories
Fat 15 g
Carbs 41 g
Protein 16 g
A notorious vegetable you really should love!
Preheat your oven to 400° F. Trim sprouts as shown in photos above. Place prepared sprouts on a baking pan. Add olive oil and seasoning and toss to coat. Roast in oven for about 30 minutes or until they start to caramelize and brown on the outside.