Hopefully you caught the Hometown show on WJCT last night. Here is the segment we did featuring the St. Augustine U-Pick Farm and the Berry Stacks. ...
Heading to the French Countryside
On Monday morning we left Paris and the ability to connect with the internet. Though the 900-year-old chateau we were staying at was wired for wifi, we had some challenges with the password and thus I was forced to take a 3 day respite from the responsibilities of virtual communication. Please forgive me for saying so, but that was a wonderful break. And now to catch you up ...
Postcard from Paris- Day Two Here
Did I mention I love this place?!?! Today I had my second day in Paris and even with jet lag and incredibly sore feet (marble may make a beautiful palace floor, but it sure does hurt to walk on for hours), I love Paris and just cannot get enough. Here are a few of my adventures from ...
My First Day in France
Today I realized my long-term goal of visiting France. I actually struggled through 5 years of French between high school and college with the dream of coming to this culinary utopia and experiencing their joie de vie. But, that was many years ago...I got distracted, things happened and France did not. 22 years is a very long time to pine for a dream. It can be so ...
Chocolate Mint Cookies Recipe
If you tuned in on www.ilovethepromise.com this Tuesday morning, then you probably heard Theresa and I talking about the chocolate mint sandwich cookies I brought in for the show. They were pretty delicious. I am a huge fan of the chocolate mint flavor combination and ever since I made the Coco-mocha cookies for Easter, I’ve been wanting to re-create the recipe as a ...